DRST Contacts
The Devon Rural Skills Trust is a charity, run by volunteers, and is primarily a provider of training courses.
(We are sorry but the DRST is
not a commercial contracting organisation or consultancy and cannot provide labour or advice for those purposes).
If you have any enquiries about our activities please fill in the form below or you can contact the most relevant person directly using the details at the bottom of the page.
Membership Secretary
Nick Dawe - Tel: 07504 325240
or email membership@drst.org.uk
Course Enquiries and Bookings
Mark Joynes - Tel: 07434 939682
or email payments@drst.org.uk
Training Scheme Administrator
Laura Tunstall - Tel: 07743 858781 or email training@drst.org.uk
List of Practitioners
Don Gaskins - Tel: 01752 336049
or email practitionerdb@drst.org.uk
Publicity Officer
Chris Baker - Email publicity@drst.org.uk
Web Site
Email webmaster@drst.org.uk